Grolejac beach winter 2017
About Paul Burdett
Born in the UK in 1954, Paul read English and American Literature at what is now called the University of Manchester in the UK. He trained in systems analysis, finance, and accounts, and worked in IT for many years. Employers ranged from a small home-grown British software company, a major European technology firm with HQ in Germany, and a start-up technology company based in Silicon Valley. His roles included MD of the UK company and General Manager of a Middle East company. The markets he worked in were mostly education, healthcare, hospitality, and the not-for-profit sector. This involved him working in a number of countries including the USA and sundry European and Middle Eastern countries. This gave him an opportunity to compare and contrast industries, work and business practices across continents.
About writing a book, he commented "This was a change of direction which means I had to learn, and sometimes relearn, some of the rules of standard English grammar, not to mention spelling. These were not critical when working with so many different nationalities in technical industries where portmanteau words and non-standard English grammar abound. People would often use nouns as verbs and vice versa. When I sometimes used poor grammar or misspelled something many would assume it was some quirky British idiom they just hadn't seen before! Writing a book for publication is different. Fortunately my sister, who is a retired dictionary editor, kindly helped to keep me on the straight and narrow, correcting weird English and creative spelling. Having said that, if some typos have crept in, they are all mine."
He added "After some 40 years gap, I have taken up the paintbrush again in the hope my amateurish daubing do not offend. I would be gratified if some people enjoy them even a fraction as much as I did creating them."